How we can help you through RBP funding
Regional business partners
Businesses are experiencing monumental hurdles during the current climate of change and adaptation. There is government support and funding available, but navigating this can be confusing. Below is a basic outline of what is currently available (as of October 2021) and the routes to find out more.
Firstly, are you eligible?
The current RBP funding is focused on the support of the Tourism Communities sector. However, this is defined as a business that has 50% of their revenue from tourism, either serving tourists directly OR serving tourism businesses. So, it surprisingly covers more businesses than you might think (e.g. primary industries who supply to restaurants). It is also location-based, covering businesses within these five regions:
Queenstown & Wanaka
So, if half of your income is directly from tourism (or in some cases indirectly) and you are in one of these locations, then the Tourism Communities Fund is for you!
Think you're not eligible?
Talk to your local Regional Business Partner anyway as other funding may be available in future.
What is available through the fund?
1. Advice | up to $5000
To assist with giving you the answers and tools to make informed decisions about your business.This is about spending the time working on the strategy.
2. Implementation | up to $5000
This covers the ‘doing’ that is recommended as a result of the advice received from any RBP provider. As Fluid are 'thinkers and do-ers', we can start with the strategy and then seamlessly roll out this out into real-world effect.
3. Capability | up to $5000 a year
This fund is for training at a management level where Fluid can come right into your world and lead you, or your staff, in any aspect of brand or marketing. We can share our knowledge and expertise through this service.
4. Kick-Start Grant | from $10,000 - $50,000
If your business is 50% down due to Covid-19 / closed borders then you may also be eligible for the Kick-Start Grant which is designed to help your business scale up again. This can be used in whatever way you want and is not linked to any specific service provider.
Fluid programmes offered under RPB funding:
Post-Covid tourism Brainspill Workshop:
Our Post-Covid Advice Brainspills are the first step towards future-proofing your brand. This is a free-thinking approach to get your team’s grey matter really stirred up about strategy, resilience and more. They are run over a minimum of three sessions of around 4 hours each, usually with around 3-10 key people from your team. Consider it a plan, tailor-made to kick your business into gear.
Post-Covid Business Development:
These brand planning, growth and business development sessions use a range of proven brainstorming tools and round-table advice sessions to empower your team and build confidence around new ideas and the process of change. Our approach is tailored around your specific needs and the evolving realities in your sector - it is aimed at any enterprise which is looking for an open and honest foundation for resilience, marketing, content-creation and story-telling in a post-Covid landscape.
Take Flight With Digital Marketing:
This programme aims to equip you with the right tools so you can navigate your way through this challenging and evolving landscape by integrating digital insights which impact real-world action. Using a variety of digital and real-world tools, we’ll access your ability in regards to how well you are currently leveraging your brand within the cyber ecosystem and then advise you on ways to build, measure and execute digital campaigns that work and establish real relationships with customers that drive sales.
Implementation funding to carry out advice:
RBP was traditionally just for advisory services, but under the current Tourism Community funding you can also get additional funding for the ‘doing’. This is a unique opportunity and enables businesses to actively move into a more resilient and prepared position. This could cover any number of things, from a brand refresh, to new product packaging, to building a new website. Apply for one of the advisory services listed, and the implementation should be able to roll on next.
Capability funding now fully covered!
Capability funding used to provide 50% funding towards training, but now 100% is being offered. This is an annual entitlement and Fluid offers this service under this fund:
Building Marketing Capability:
This service offers training to business owners or managers to take your business through times of transformation or growth. The objective is to impart a deeper understanding in areas such as brand/sales messaging, marketing strategy, digital strategy plus creating and measuring campaign success. We send one of our experts into your business to help with whatever areas need most attention.

How do I make it happen?
Pick up the phone and talk to Bex on 022 534 1231.
Bex is one of our Creative Directors and she can help you navigate the options and connect you with the appropriate person. You can also apply directly to your local Regional Business Partner advisor. In short, there's a support option available, so don't be daunted by the process. If you know what you want and who you want to work with, then the process is quite straightforward and fairly fast. If you're not sure what you need, then the RBP advisors can help you to work this out too. If it turns out you're not eligible for the Tourism Communities Funding, they can advise on other opportunities.
NEED FURTHER INFO? Here are some links for those wanting to dig a bit deeper first:
From MBIE and government: Tourism Communities: Support, Recovery and Re-Set Plan | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment ( 3 business initiatives | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (
RBP information for Businesses: Business Eligibility for Vouchers - Dec 2017 (