Award winning landscape architects, Reset Urban Design approached Fluid to discuss a step forward for their brand and communications and engagement tools. With a huge amount of amazing nationwide projects under their belt, the brief initially looked at key messages, client perceptions and annual marketing strategies. Fluid took this as an opportunity to review the entire Reset brand identity, including their name. The end goal was to create a new brand that better reflects their purpose and their goals. After a full day Brainspill brand workshop, the Reset team were aligned around the key components of the practice and how to celebrate them through a new identity, updated website and customer touchpoint for proposals and publicity. The result is a stripped back, simple suite of tools and a refinement of the brand name which aligns closely with the high design and implementation standards which Reset is known for. Fluid worked with Reset throughout the entire process of creating the new identity. Sharing ideas and aligning on a vision for the new brand. The updated logo modernises Reset by creating a mark that conveys the idea of change and transformation, and how spaces can shift us and influence our experience of our physical environment. A truly organic process; Fluid worked on multiple parallel workstreams which enabled one project to influence another, with decisions around the graphic signature and the language and tone of the brand growing from the development of the website as much as the creation of the identity.